The other day I was looking for solutions to run my Ghost Inspector end-to-end tests on PR builds before they were merged and deployed to production in Netlify.

Completed code:

From the Netlify Build Plugins docs:

Run JavaScript code in response to different events happening during the build-deploy lifecycle.

Perfect! This was exactly what I wanted: at a specific point in the Netlify build, run some JS to trigger a Ghost Inspector test and talk to the GitHub API with the results of that test so that my PR can render the status of the tests like any other task.

API key stuff

To make all of this work, we will need to get and save API keys as Netlify environmental variables.

  • GitHub Personal Access Token (this is necessary to interact with the GitHub REST API since we'll be making write requests)

  • Ghost Inspector API Key

  • Add the keys to the Netlify Dashboard via: Settings > Deploys > Environments

Ghost Inspector - Start URL

To ensure that our dynamic URLs work as expected, we need to remove any hard coded URLs from our Ghost Inspector tests.

To do so, in your Ghost Inspector test, visit Settings > Test Defaults and set the Start URL to your production URL.

Alt Ghost Inspector settings

Next, ensure that all of your tests do not have a hard-coded Start URL and the top. Ghost Inspector will default to the previous url we set or will use a startUrl that is passed along during an API request.

Alt Ghost Inspector single test setting

Netlify: kick things off by setting a pending status in the PR

This isn't mandatory, but I wanted to let PR authors know that Ghost Inspector tests were part of the checks that the PR would complete. Otherwise, the check wouldn't show up until the onSuccess method is called.

We'll make this GitHub API call by hooking into the onPreBuild handler.

const { Octokit } = require('@octokit/rest')

module.exports = {
  onPreBuild: async () => {
    // Only run this in PR deploys
    const context = process.env.CONTEXT

    if (!context) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      console.log(`No context. Skipping Ghost Inspector tests.`)

    if (context !== 'deploy-preview') {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      console.log(`Not in deploy-preview. Skipping Ghost Inspector tests.`)

    const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: process.env.GITHUB_API_TOKEN })

    await octokit.request('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/statuses/{sha}', {
      owner: 'jacobarriola',
      repo: 'personal-site',
      sha: process.env.COMMIT_REF, // <-- this comes from Netlify
      state: 'pending',
      description: 'Waiting for Netlify build to complete',
      context: 'Ghost Inspector E2E Tests',

Once that code is in, our PR check will now reflect our pending status when a Netlify build starts:

Alt GitHub checks on a pull request showing pending status

Run Ghost Inspector after the build is complete

We need to run Ghost Inspector once our preview URL is publicly available. The best place to do this is the onSuccess handler.

Note: I tried to do this on the onPostBuild handler but couldn't because the preview URL wasn't publicly available. Therefore, Ghost Inspector could not run its tests.

const fetch = require('cross-fetch')
const { Octokit } = require('@octokit/rest')

module.exports = {
  onSuccess: async ({ utils }) => {
    // Note: for simplicity, I'm skipping a lot of checks. See the final
    // version for a less contrived example.

    const context = process.env.CONTEXT
    const deployUrl = process.env.DEPLOY_PRIME_URL
    const ghostInspectorApiKey = process.env.GHOST_INSPECTOR_API_KEY
    const suiteId = process.env.GHOST_INSPECTOR_SUITE
    const githubApiToken = process.env.GITHUB_API_TOKEN
    const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: process.env.GITHUB_API_TOKEN })

    try {
      console.log(`👻 Starting Ghost Inspector E2E tests on ${deployUrl} ...`)

      // Make API request to the Ghost Inspector API
      const res = await fetch(

      if (res.status >= 400) {
        throw new Error(`Bad response from Ghost Inspector server.`)

      const result = await res.json()

      const didTestsPass = => test.passing === true)

      if (false === didTestsPass) {
        const testResult ={ name, passing }) => {
          return { name, passing }

        // Send a failure status to the GitHub commit
        await octokit.request('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/statuses/{sha}', {
          owner: 'jacobarriola',
          repo: 'personal-site',
          sha: process.env.COMMIT_REF, // <-- this comes from Netlify
          state: 'failure',
          description: 'At least one test failed',
          context: 'Ghost Inspector E2E Tests',
          target_url: `${suiteId}`,

        // Bail
          `🚫 At least one Ghost Inspector test failed. Visit${suiteId} for details. Failed tests:

      console.log(`✅ All Ghost Inspector tests passed!`)

      // Send a success status to the Github commit
      await octokit.request('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/statuses/{sha}', {
        owner: 'jacobarriola',
        repo: 'personal-site',
        sha: process.env.COMMIT_REF, // <-- this comes from Netlify
        state: 'success',
        description: 'All tests passed!',
        context: 'Ghost Inspector E2E Tests',
        target_url: `${suiteId}`,

        title: `Ghost Inspector E2E tests`,
        summary: `✅ All tests passed`,
        text: `Visit${suiteId} for test results`,
    } catch (error) {

If all of our tests pass, we should see the status updated in the PR checks along with a link to the test. Great success!

Alt GitHub PR summary where all checks passed


The GitHub API is crazy powerful, once you get through the sheer amount of different endpoints. The key is understanding what you're trying to do and then finding the endpoint that helps you accomplish that.

The Netlify Build API is as straightforward as a developer would hope for - no SDK, no library, etc. It's just a few handlers that are available in the build lifecycle for you to hook into in order to accomplish something. Good stuff.